MAKEiS is patented and proven thermal insulation technology, which reveals how to produce and apply composite insulating panels made of polyurethane foam, covered with fiber glass fabric for exterior and interior application with the help of mobile machine.
The main core of MAKEiS is the fact it is producing thermal insulation panels in the exact needed sizes of the building on-site thanks to the mobile machine.
Education & Training
Our customers and their teams receive specialized education on how to use the mobile machine to produce the insulation panels, and how to make the most out of the three-step application method of MAKEiS. Our leading insulation experts can also participate in the first projects of the customer to ensure knowledge handover and service.
Customer Support & Maintenance
The licensing agreement includes warranties and machine maintenance work for the entire duration of the contract, regardless of whether the customers purchase or rent the mobile machine. In addition, our customer support specialists are available 24/7 via phone to address questions about the MAKEiS technology and application.